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Is it Worth Repairing an Old Air Conditioner, or Should I Replace It?

Old air conditioning units can break down for several common reasons—find out what to do when it happens.

Air conditioners help by removing humidity from the air and keeping different spaces nice and cool. Most of us use our air conditioners regularly throughout the year, which means these systems can get quite a bit of use. As time passes, regular use will often lead these machines to break down. When this happens, you might wonder if you should repair your system or outright replace it.

In this post, we will take a look at when you should repair your A/C unit and when you should just replace it instead.

Replace or Repair: How to Handle Your Old A/C Unit

An air conditioner can break down for a lot of reasons, and the severity of the problem can vary. There are many pieces at work in an air conditioner, making it difficult to know when something can be repaired and when it isn’t actually worth the effort to repair it. Consider the following.

When Should You Repair an Old Air Conditioner?

The main reasons that most people choose to repair old air conditioning units are because they are hoping to save money or because a full replacement really isn’t necessary.

If you are looking to spend as little as possible, repairing a unit is often a good idea. In general, a repair will be cheaper than an outright replacement, even for some fairly significant problems.

Of course, sometimes it is better to repair an A/C unit because the unit really isn’t badly broken. Some small repairs can be fixed in no time, allowing you to keep your system for a while longer.

When Should You Replace an Old Air Conditioner?

Replacing an air conditioner may seem like a last resort, but sometimes it really is for the better. If your unit is severely broken or experiencing a lot of wear and tear, it may be best to replace the entire unit rather than risk it breaking again sometime soon.

A failing system is a good reason to replace the unit, but you may also want to replace it for a better experience. New air conditioners can provide a more efficient system, higher air quality, and may even help you to lower your monthly cooling costs.

The Takeaway

Before you decide if you want to repair or replace your unit, the best thing you can do is get an expert opinion. When you need A/C repair, Denver has experts who are more than happy to help. We can inspect your system, identify problems, and help you to decide if you would prefer repairs or a replacement. No matter what you decide, we will support you through the next steps and make sure your home is nice and cool when you need it to be!

Which Type of Heater is Cheapest to Run

Heaters operate at different price points—learn how to find a cheap option to meet your needs.

Monthly bills can add up quickly, and there are many different factors that influence them. The heater you operate at home will determine what you pay each month for heating your home—and price points can vary significantly. In this article, we will discuss how to find the cheapest heater for your home.

Finding a Cheap Heater: What You Need to Know

Home heating is often considered essential, but it does come with a price tag. While most of us would love it if the home heater we purchased heated up the home for free, it, unfortunately, does not work that way. When shopping for heaters, operating costs can play a big role in which one you choose. Let’s discuss the top four factors that will impact the cost of running your new home heater.

Energy Use

Heaters rely on energy to heat up the home, and that energy has a cost associated with it. The price of heating up a home will be directly correlated to the amount of energy that your heater uses. For this reason, choosing high-efficiency and eco-friendly heaters is an excellent way to cut down on monthly costs. Although these heaters can cost more upfront, they will run for a lower price than some of the cheaper alternatives.


Home heating is constantly improving, and heaters are starting to offer more and more to homeowners. The price of your heater can vary depending on the system that you use. Systems with more upgrades, like WiFi connections and touchscreens, can often come at a higher price straight out of the gate. Depending on the features you choose, the monthly operating cost may vary.

Level of Support

Some heaters cost more to operate because they offer a higher level of support or cover a more expansive space. Since these systems tend to produce more and work harder, they also cost more to operate. However, this can differ if you are not operating them in a way that necessarily uses more energy.

Choosing the Cheapest Option

In the modern world, other than individual room heaters, eco-friendly heaters will be your best price option. These versions will be able to do more with less, but prices can vary. If you can spend more in advance to save on the operating cost later, it will be best to do so.

The Takeaway

There are several days throughout the year when a heater is a very important investment. Although you want a warm home, you probably don’t want to spend too much for it to be that way. Any time you decide to choose a new option for your home, you should be asking Denver heating experts which choice is right for you!

How Do You Unfreeze an Air Conditioner?

Sometimes air conditioners freeze—find out what to do when this happens.

Air conditioning units give us the cool air we love in our homes, but they are still machines—and any machine can break down. One fairly common problem with air conditioners is that they can sometimes freeze. This may disrupt use or lead to a puddle of water. In this article, we will discuss this issue and what you can do to help.

Managing a Frozen Air Conditioning Unit

Your air conditioner is freezing—what can you do? Depending on the cause of this problem, you might need a quick trick, or you might need to call in the experts. Let’s explore the causes of this problem and how you can fix it today and for the foreseeable future.

Why Do Air Conditioners Freeze?

Every air conditioner unit has its own quirks, but there are some A/C problems that seem to transcend models. Most air conditioners can freeze—but what makes this happen?

There are actually quite a few issues that can arise with an air conditioner that may result in freezing. The problems are generally linked to the airflow in the system or the refrigerant in the system.

When there is poor airflow, ice can naturally build up. For this reason, it is important to make sure your unit is set up correctly and that your filter is cleaned on a regular basis.

Refrigerant is responsible for keeping your system running correctly, but when levels are low, or something is wrong, the system will not work correctly. Find the right balance in your system with refrigerant.

How to Unfreeze Your Air Conditioner

Seeing a frozen or leaking air conditioning unit can come as quite a shock, but fixing it initially really isn’t that hard. To begin, turn off the unit, so it is no longer producing cold air. Once this is done, you can allow the system to dry naturally or turn on the fan to help the system thaw out before you use it again.

Getting the Support You Need

Although you should be able to dry your unit up on your own, the fact remains that there is a reason the system is freezing. To figure out the cause of the problem and ensure it doesn’t happen again, it helps to work with professionals. Local HVAC experts can help you get your A/C unit up and running, even if it has a long history of freezing up on you.

Get the Support You Need

A frozen air conditioning unit is a unit that is calling out for help. If you have this problem and notice it keeps on happening, you need to explore Denver air conditioning services. We help you to assess the situation and offer simple fixes so your A/C unit can run like it is brand new!

How to Tell if Your AC is Broken?

Maybe your air conditioner is out, or maybe it just doesn’t seem right—find out how to tell if it is broken.

Temperatures can vary in spring and fall, but it is fairly common to find yourself facing some seriously hot days during these seasons. On a hot day, nothing offers peace and comfort quite like an AC unit, but your home air conditioner is just a machine—and machines can break. In this article, we are going to take a quick look at ways the average homeowner can identify a broken AC unit in the home.

Diagnosing a Broken AC Unit

Spotting a broken air conditioning unit is easier than the average person might think. In fact, most people are able to know very quickly that something is going wrong with their unit. Let’s explore the more subtle and the not-so-subtle ways to spot a broken air conditioner.

No Cold Air

The easiest—and worst—way to find out that your AC unit is broken is when it stops pushing out cold air. An air conditioner that isn’t removing moisture or that doesn’t provide cold air absolutely has something broken about it. When your home runs out of cool air on a hot summer day, you need to make a call to your local air conditioning experts.

Your Home Has Strange Noises

Most of us get used to the sound of our air conditioners turning off and on, and that is just fine. However, if you notice that your air conditioning unit is starting to sound more like there is a ghost living in your vents, something is likely wrong. Any unexpected noises with your unit might just be an early warning sign.

Your Unit is Struggling

An air conditioner can be broken before giving out completely, and spotting the signs early can help you avoid outages. One strong indicator is that your air conditioner unit has started to struggle while operating in any way.

Some units might take an unusually long time to boot up or to cool down the home, and others may begin to power cycle, turning off and on without ever reaching the right temperature. Any signs of distress from your unit can tell you that your system is in need of repair.

The Takeaway

Denver air conditioner repair is an essential service that keeps Colorado homes cool when they need it. At the first sign of trouble, call in your Denver HVAC professionals to get everything back online.

We are able to navigate all of your AC unit’s issues and will help you find solutions that fit your needs and your budget. With our expertise and your AC unit, you can enjoy cool air in every room of your home.

To learn more, explore our services or contact us today. Our experts are here to help with your heating and cooling needs!

What is Central Heat and Air?

Central heating and cooling is commonplace in today’s world—but what does it actually mean?

The temperature needs of the average person can vary significantly throughout the different seasons. When it is a scorching hot day, chances are that you want a cool place to walk into. On days when the weather is below freezing, you want a comfortable space to warm up. Behind all of this is temperature control—and most people have centralized heating and cooling to thank.

Central Heat and Air: What You Need to Know

A central HVAC system is a type of system that is known for its “central” role even if it is not always placed in the center of the home. These systems are perfect for heating up and cooling down homes, but how does it all work? Let’s discuss these systems in more detail.

“Central” Heating and Cooling Systems

Although “central” is a term that is commonly thrown around with modern HVAC systems, the term shouldn’t always be taken literally. These systems can be placed in different areas around the home and still be effective.

When it comes down to it, these systems are considered central because the system feeds out of one area and into all of the others. This is how you can have consistent temperature control in different parts of the home.

The central unit is not necessarily in the center of the home, but it is in the center of the system. Air is cooled in one place, then distributed throughout the home through fans and ducts.

What Makes Central Air Conditioning so Great?

You can find these systems in most modern homes, but they are not the only option. There are other ways to cool a home that are still popular today, so what makes central air conditioning so popular? The answer is quite simple—distribution.

A central air conditioning unit can cool an entire building when it is set up right, offering fairly consistent indoor temperatures. While many other options are more limited in distribution, central air conditioning works great and allows you to cover a high volume of space too.

Do I Need Central Air Conditioning?

A home does not need central air conditioning, though people who live in hot places might disagree. However, they are considered to be the modern standard for effective air conditioning. These systems work very well, and if your home doesn’t already have one, installing one can drastically increase the home’s value.

The Takeaway

Denver might not be the hottest city in the United States, but our temperatures are known to climb. If you are looking to learn more about the heating and air conditioning Denver residents are using to keep their homes comfortable, contact our experts today. We are happy to help you find a good balance between the weather outside and the weather inside of your home!