How Are Air Conditioners Rated?

Air conditioners are a crucial home system, but what do their ratings really mean?

Everyone knows that an air conditioning unit can provide a wonderful opportunity for you to keep your home comfortable during the warmer months. In Colorado, we are known for our wide range of temperatures—everything from freezing right up to scorching! For this reason, an air conditioning unit is a very important investment to make. Rating systems for these devices can be confusing. In this article, we will explore how these ratings work.

Air Conditioner Ratings: What You Need to Know

Most homeowners want some kind of air conditioner. Whether you’re adding one to a property for the first time or simply upgrading your existing system, chances are that you want something that is worth the investment. Let’s explore what to look out for in ratings.


One of the top rating considerations regards efficiency. We live in a world that is focused on increasing system efficiency for a couple of reasons. The first reason is that we want systems that will help us to use less energy because it is good for the environment. Eco-friendly products are becoming a near-constant focus.

The second reason is a little more focused on what we gain specifically. High-efficiency systems use less energy, which also means that they cost less money to operate. It is easy for us to cut down on monthly expenses, particularly during the summer months, when we invest in these systems. These ratings can be incredibly important.

Another key consideration for rating systems is the overall lifespan. While some air conditioners are clearly built to last, others can give out sooner than we would prefer. This is a key point of consideration when choosing a system. A great air conditioner really isn’t all that great if it needs to be replaced in a few short years.


Every air conditioner is different, and ratings often consider what differences matter for certain systems. Each year, new air conditioners are rolled out—and some of them can come with some futuristic features. Better features can drive up the price of a system, but it does also help you to get the most out of your investment, which can be nice.

Customer Experience

Any time that you look at ratings from homeowners online, you will realize that they rate a little differently—for better or worse. The customer experience often plays a key role in determining how their ratings will look from a public standpoint.

The Takeaway

Ratings can tell you a lot about a system, but they don’t always tell the whole picture. You might find that your needs for an air conditioner are different from the needs of your neighbors. While ratings can help us to learn more, it is important to remember that even the top systems can run into issues throughout the years. When they do, Denver air conditioner repair services can be a huge benefit. Knowing who to call can save you time, money, and headaches too!